Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nino Again

This is fast becoming a Nino Dream Blog.

But It's not.



I am locked in my dark room, curled up in a ball on my bed, watching a TV show. Haven't taken a bath, haven't even brushed my teeth. Haven't even washed my face .

The door cracks open, a small amount of light comes in. I hear footsteps approach me, but I don't even raise my head to look at who came in.

Then I feel his hair fall on my cheeks as he planted a kiss on my temple. I hear his bag drop with a thud. His head moves to my neck, I feel his warm breath on it. He doesn't kiss. He just stays bent over his nose and mouth on my neck.

After a few seconds, he pushes my body to give him space on the bed. He lies down and spoons me, his right arm wraps around my waist and clutches me tighter to him. With his left hand, he turns my face to him and he kisses me on my mouth, strong and hard. I feel his tongue. I feel him sucking me.

I face him and and push him down the bed, pull his shirt over his head. I plant small kisses on his tiny frame. In my head, I think, only I can see that the one-pack is fake.

He pulls me up to him in an effort to kiss me again. But, then, I remember that I haven't brushed my teeth and I got embarrassed. I apologize to him and say I'll brush my teeth first. And he says in Japanese, "Nevermind that. I'm hard already."

In half obedience, I go down again, try to take off his pants. Halfway of pulling down his pants, he let out a sigh. He is no longer in the mood. And he says in English, "Why did you even have to bring that up."

I lick his nipple to turn him on again, but he pushes me away and says it won't work. He asks me, "Why do you have to be like this? Why can't you give me all of you?"

I start crying. I stroke his legs, feeling his leg hair, begging him to give me time to adjust. "I'm trying. It's been so long since I was in a relationship, and they were all failures. I don't know how to do this, but I'm trying. I swear."

He doesn't respond for awhile. He just lays there, with his pants half down, his boxers showing.

I let him go. And curl up at the foot of the bed, crying.

"I just need you to give yourself to me," was the last I heard.

I woke up with that line ringing in my head. Despite the fact that I was crying really hard in my dream, I was a happy happy camper when I woke up.

And who wouldn't be?

Should I even analyze this dream? In the end, it'll just come out as a reflection on my fear of moving.

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