Sunday, June 12, 2011

High School [Part 2]

It took me a little time to write the first part, and so details for this has already degraded in my head.


Like I've always been, I was loitering around the campus when the fire alarm started to ring. This time, it was for real. I still saw no smoke or fire. But, the feeling of the atmosphere seemed to be heavy. But the ring was faint and the classes seemed to have not heard it.

I ran up the stairs to help with the evacuation of the students. In each classroom, I told the teachers that the drill is on and that they have to move out. One male teacher tried to ignore me and went on with his lessons, but I asserted the urgency of this alarm and that it is not a drill. Another teacher told him to listen and just go. He gathered up his students and flocked them out of the building.

I joined them outside as we looked up at the still and quiet building. The chatters of the student and the faint ringing of the bell envelopes our surrounding. But, the building stayed still.

The male teacher kept on telling people that I must have triggered the alarm to skip classes. I ignored him, as my curiosity took possession of me.

I slowly walked upstairs, leaving the noise behind. A few more students hurried out. I followed the hallway, checking the empty classrooms for students that might have been stubborn enough not to leave.

A couple of teachers did the same, but did not tell me off. In fact, they only checked the classrooms I've checked and let me lead the way.

At the last classroom of hall, at turn of the corner, I saw a pair of legs on the floor -- khaki pants, dark brown shoes. A pair of a man's legs. I approached it and saw that the man was dead. I saw no blood or cut, but I knew he was brutally murdered.

In the classroom next to it, a pair of women lay dead. No blood, no cut. Pale as if blood had been drained.

I continued on to follow the hallway in its next turn. I saw three women, two of them lying down. The one standing told me that they're alive, but injured. I looked at the women lying down. One was pale and scared. The other, had a towel over half of her face. She gave me a glare before turning around. As she turned around, the towel covering her face moved, and, I saw that that half of her face was flayed.

I ran and told the teachers about the dead bodies. Then, I blacked-out.

When I came to, I was in the room across the classroom where the dead man's body was found. I took the blue towel on the wall and hurried out. I guess, in my hurry, a thread was caught by the door and unraveled. I was so scared to go back and let the thread loose, thus, I try to cut it from the towel itself.

Then, I heard scuffling from down the stairs. I over-heard one of the faculty saying, "She's awake, hurry hide." with excited voices. I look over the balcony and see part of a banner that has my name and the beginning of the word "Congratulations"

I stood still. I didn't know what was more dreadful. This surprise party, or the thought of staying in a place where I discovered dead bodies.

Death has always meant change for me. But I could never understand what corpses mean to me.
Generally, a corpse mean that something within the dreamer has died. Usually, an ambition or drive. I don't think my ambitiono or drive has died. But, I do feel, I'm at a standstill.

It may also mean that the dreamer is not expressing him or herself. In which case, I don't run out of things to express.

So what does this mean? Dreaming of corpses recurs to me frequently. I need to know.

A blue thread is something new to me. Obviously, it's a path or an option I can take at this stand still. Am I trying to run away from a path that I'm supposed to be in?

The injured woman definitely means something. Why the face. Why only half of the face. Why was she flayed. What does being skinned mean? Why was she glaring at me?

I need help in this dream.

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