Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taguig Ho House

Taguig house is my grandfather's house. However, in this dream It was MS & IS's house where they let me stay for free in exchange for my services, I even have my own room. What kind of services? At first I thought it was just being a servant of sort, house cleaning, house sitting.

The Taguig house kind of looks different, however, in my dream's memory, it's the same house. Across the hall from my room, Squal stays, along with the other guys.

I was a little randy and seeing Squal there, I thought, hey maybe I can get some from him. It's a bad idea, being my ex, and I didn't want to stir up old feelings and confusion, when all I needed was sex.

After a few getting away from chores he was doing, I was able to pull him inside my room. He happily obliged -- a little smug, too. At first, I started small talk. I asked him why JPM moved out of this house long before I even thought of moving in. He pulled me to sit on his lap, I started kissing him, and in between kisses he answered me. "He can't handle the job here," he said, "No one's forcing us, but in the end, it's much easier that way."

And I understood immediately, we offer sexual services and we have our own rooms for that purpose.

I woke up and I find nobody else in my bed. So I went out of my room and find that the whole house was having a general clean up. I called out to Squal and asked him to explain some things to me. I couldn't remember what happened, did something happen between us or not? Apparently, I blacked out.

Before he could stand up and approach me, NY grabbed my arms and pulled me to the side, asking me, "Where those cats I heard last night, or somebody finally getting some?" A flash of memory of last night's tryst came to me. It looked wild.

I blushed. Not because I'm ashamed of what I did, but more because I was embarrassed for being noisy.

I felt Squal's strong hands pulling me away from Nick. He was a little peeved. I couldn't understand why he was peeved. He dragged me down the stairs and out to the front door. Before we could exit, we find a room's door ajar and there one of our supposed housemates were giving a Chinese-mestiza woman a service. And the woman is obviously very happy about it.

We went out and Squal explained to me that I blacked out. But before he could say anything else, I went back in the house, curious of the quick clean up and the ongoing service. When I went in, IdlC and her husband were already cleaning up after our fellow member who had walked the woman to her car. Semen were all over the pillows. IdlC was nagging.

And the realization hit me. It's true. Question now is, should I stay or should I go?

Squal was an amalgam of Squal and Nino. He has Squal's face, but his demeanor was so Nino. Upon waking up, I was a bit confused as to who really was in my dream. The hair was very Nino, though, as well as the smug face. The suave actions he also did is so not Squal -- like the way he pulled me to him and the way he grabbed my arm.

Apparently, sex with an ex in dreams mean embarking on a new situation. Once again, the immigration thing comes up, I guess.

We learn something new everyday. Or in this case, every night.

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