Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sulu Whirlpool

It's in a place where I had been before in one of my dreaming lives, but have never been in real life; the place with lots of interconnecting malls and a very confusing light rail train; an alternate Philippines.

A competition was being held. And my ex, Squal, was entering a song he had written in collaboration with Chiaki Kuriyama.  But he had forgotten his music sheet in Sulu.

And so I took the fastest route to Sulu, through the Whirlpool I once took in another dream to Palawan.

(got distracted and wasn't able to finish writing this. so the dream memory has faded a bit and i can only write of what i remember)

Although, I was supposed to go to Sulu, I went to Palawan, where there were boats that ferried people to Sulu. I took a boat just to get that music sheet, and in the trip, a couple of guys from the island tried to pick me up. I liked the attention. 

I spent a night in Sulu, and got back to the competition in the city just in time, with only a minute to spare. 

I found Squal in the waiting room, sitting beside Uno. I delivered the music sheet and then sat on Squal's lap while looking at Uno and watching how he'd react.

I saw discomfort in his eyes. But, one could also interpret it as disgust.

(From here on, I can't remember anything else except going back to the beach and the amusement park I once went to)

*analysis to follow*

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