Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Catching Nino's Attention

My alarm goes off at 8am and I usually just hit it, sleep some more and wake up at 10. Because of this, most of my dreams are divided into two parts.


We were in a bus, me and a few fangirls who I have not met before IRL, traveling along Southgate Ave. in Daly City. 

I can't remember exactly when was it Nino got on the bus, I only remember he sat beside me and asked me directions to his hotel. I gave him directions. As the bus turned left on Lake Merced Blvd. towards Westlake Shopping Center, I told him that this was his stop and he had to walk back Southgate Ave., crossing it and turn left towards his hotel (IRL, where the hotel stood, is the building where the banks and Kaiser Hearing Center are.)

He thanked me and got off as soon as the bus stopped and opened the doors. As he was getting off, I was reminding him of a few more instructions, to which I ended with, "ok, baby?" unconsciously (redundant, i unconsciously said something in my unvonsciuos state). 

The fangirls in the bus caught that little bemused statement. They started wooting and bantering, as I realized what I had just said. I looked back to the Nino's descending back. Before taking the last step off the bus, he stopped and shook his head with an amused smile on his face (this is the only part where it had a reverse shot from my perspective). 

I was red with embarassment, but it felt great saying it anyways.


In the place I was living in (a place I've never seen before -- some dormitory or shared house), a note came addressed to me. It was a piece of paper torn from a notebook or pad, with blue ink. 

It was a threat to me. It said that it was my fault that Nino had commited suicide in his hotel room and that all fangirls are out to get me. 

My housemates, all were also fangirls, were telling that we need to go to the hotel and do news research, verify the facts before we look for the girls who were trying to threaten me.

If Nino did commit suicide, then we'll prepare for the outraged women with their pitchforks and torches. If not, then we'll have to show them that we're not going to be bullied.


In a shared house (different than that of Part 1), Nino and I lived as students. Separate bedrooms, sadly. We do share one study hall and living room, and the computers are in the study hall. 

I was cramming a paper. Or was I cramming HIS paper because he was slightly ill and I was the one tending to him.

Although, this dream, came later than the first one, I can't remember clearly as of writing. I only remember general feelings of anxiety, anticipation, deep love and frustration. 

I was trying so hard to do everything for him, waiting for a bone for him to toss my way -- even if it was just a simple thank you. I wanted him to appreciate me and I wanted him to like me just as much as I like him. 

But, his reactions were confusing. I couldn't be sure if he likes me or he's just fond of the attention I was giving him.

It felt like he was Uno once more. I hate the feeling, most of all.


Analysis to follow

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Lesbian Affair with MatsuJun

This is the first time I'm actually fooling around with another member of Arashi, other than Nino, in my dream. I feel like i'm cheating. However, I should mention it here that in this dream, MatsuJun is a woman like me, with A-cup boobs and the softest lips.

On to the dream ...

We were in a king sized bed beside the door. There were three of us on the bed. MatsuJun and I were cuddled up by the wall. B, a friend of mine who had no interest whatsoever in Jun, was beside us, ignoring the familiar flirting of a couple in the early stages of a relationship.

The cuddling and the flirting  progressed to full on make-out, to petting to the initial act of foreplay. In which we were interrupted by a couple of bold, overweight, otaku-nerds. They started wooting and whistling and proding us to go further, because it was hot to watch two girls do it.

So, we stopped. And fell asleep soon as the men left.

When we woke up, we were alone in bed. B, had moved to the smaller bed to the other side of the wall. Relieved that we were somewhat alone, I started caressing MatsuJun, and pulling up her shirt. She did the same thing, pulled me on top of her and started suckling my right breast. We were in the heat of things when we noticed that B had moved beside us again. She wasn't watching, but, she was pretending to be asleep facing us.

It killed the heat. I got off of her and laid my head on her arms. MatsuJun said it was ok and that we'll continue later when B was gone.

B pretended to wake up and gave her greetings. B, then, reminded MatsuJun that they were going to see Lolo Ohno (yes, that's what I heard B say) and that they had to hurry and get ready. Surprised and pissed off, I looked at Jun. She told me to keep calm and expect to have her tonight without interruption all the way.

I left to dress up and attend to my own business.


I was moderating an event. Screening of a game -- very much like Zelda -- turned live action film. That's why there was a lot of otaku around.


I needed to use the bathroom for no. 2. When I got to the theater bathroom, someone did not flush. And when I tried to flush, it overflowed. All the shit on the floor, I tried to clean it up. I didn't wan't my event to look bad just because there was a malfunction in the venue's only toilet rendering the bathroom littered with shit.

I was using a handheld-pail (tabo) to push the shits to the drain with water.  One of them, surprisingly, evolved everytime it hit the water. From literal crap, to sandwhich to mousse, to cake to a really huge cake. A Japanese comedian, a guest in the event, caught me cleaning up and told me, that the evolving crap was his invention. I complimented him for the ingenuity of his creation and the impressive way it evolves.


I was looking at available business. ICS was with me, looking it over, too. There were three options. But we focused on the Bakery and the bread  machine. For $/PhP6,000 (I can't remember the currency), the bread machine was the most sound for ICS. I wouldn't need any other employee, nor would I need a to spend too much time tending to it. I can even go have a different job, too. ICS told me, if I chose that, he'll help me with the initial payment.

So, I took it and brought it to a small grocery (very much like where I work right now). The bread machine only sells dinner rolls of three sizes for now, packs of 6, packs of 10 and packs of 20. The bags or packs were the same sizes, but as the number of dinner rolls increase, the size of the rolls decrease.

A woman asked me if I had a loaf of bread. I apologized and explained that the machine only makes bread rolls and that maybe in the future we will have loaves and other kind of bread.



Analysis to follow

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Laruku Concert

I rarely dream of HYDE. I don't even remember dreaming of him before. But, this is one awesome dream that I wished was real.

On to the dream

I came in late to the L'arc~en~Ciel concert. It was my first. Even though, I only got to see the last three songs, I was extremely happy.

When it ended, the band got off stage and walked at the edge of the audience (it was a small venue) to their green room. Like any other fan in the audience, I tried to get their attention. Being as complicated as I think, I used the poster I was holding as a drum stick and pretended not to be too excited and hit some beat using the poster and the chair.

Somehow, how unlikely it ever seemed, it worked. HYDE looked at me and approached me. He pointed at me, while TETSU stood behind him smiling, albeit slightly sinister.

Then they left. All girls in the audience looked at me, some were angry, some were envious, some were even crying. A staff came up to me and lead me inside the stadium's inner bowels and into their green room.

HYDE pushed a plate of food in my hand and told me to eat. As I took some more food from the buffet spread before me, HYDE explained that I have been chosen to do something for them in their next concert.

But, then I woke up, and I never knew what was I supposed to do in their next concert.


Analysis to follow
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Zombie VS Alien Apocalypse

I was supposed to have only a 30-minute nap, but had set the alarm for 7:30 AM instead of PM. *facepalm*

On with the dream.

I was a young boy of 12 on the run in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Alone, I hide in the shadows, to avoid the zombies, and to survive. I have a natural gift of knowing who has been infected before they turn into zombies. (These zombies don't die first, they just keep on living, decaying and lose their mind in the process of the turn).

While avoiding some zombies, I find a group of girls holding a fort of their own. As a party went out to make their rounds from their garage, I ran into their fort before the electronic door came closing down. It was a condominium garage. I saw cars, mostly pick-up trucks and a lot of tools. One girl was left clearing up the tools she used to upgrade their cars.

I follow her in the elevator, hoping she wouldn't ask who I was and just assume that I was part of their small community against zombies. But, when she looked at me, she knew I was a survivor out there. She welcomed me, and brought me up to her unit.

She offered me food, a warm bath and clean clothes. She told me stories as she sorted clothes that I could use. I watch her roommate go in and out of the place. A flash of memory projected in my head. I have been in this unit before, and with her, too. In that memory, I was with an older woman, someone we were both related with. Like a mother figure. Whether she remembers me or not, I never asked.

As the time moved and she continued to tell stories, she exhibited signs that she has the zombie affliction. She wasn't aware though, or if she was, she hid it very well. But, not to me.

I excused myself and entered the bathroom with the clothes I took off. I planned to put my clothes back on when I get out of the building. I escaped through the bathroom window. It wasn't too high, and there was a container of sorts right beside the ledge I could reach by jumping down. I carefully walked along the ledge to its end. The lady from the condominium looked out of her bathroom window and pleaded I come back, that it was safer inside the building than the zombie infested streets. I gave her a last look and jumped.


I'm now part of a motley crew kind of group that has the zombie apocalypse resolved. There were still zombies out there, but a bigger problem has shown itself in light. ALIENS.

Aliens were the root cause of the zombie apocalypse. So, our group hunted down these aliens, in the midst of battling the zombies that still ran rampant in the streets. Each alien had their own weakness.

There was an old man, the watcher of our group, the one with the all the knowledge that we need. The lady in the condominium was there, her zombie infliction contained for the moment. A young girl, the same age as me and younger boy. It seemed like we had more members, but for the moment, they were out on a mission.

A pressing matter came to our attention. A couple of aliens were coming our way and we needed to get rid of them. And the only thing we needed for this particular aliens were NUTMEG spice.

We grabbed a couple of spice bottles of nutmeg, the zombie woman and I. We armed the other children, while the old man was working on a plan.


We were able to intercept the alien couple's car, found them seated in the back with a lone zombie driver as their entourage. We killed the zombie. We studied the aliens. One male, one female. Both looked human with creepy faces.

With complete arrogance, the alien couple looked at us, a smug smile on their lips. Without uttering a word, we knew it was a threat, we knew  they meant that they were dispensable, and that more were coming or have already come.

I splashed the nutmeg on the male. The zombie lady splashed another bottle on the other. They disintegrated. They did not scream, cry or showed any form of pain, as if they are completely fulfilled by the death we had inflicted upon them.


I should have a tag for *cinematic game-perspective* OR I'm in need of a new game that my brain is making one for me.

*analysis to follow*

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sulu Whirlpool

It's in a place where I had been before in one of my dreaming lives, but have never been in real life; the place with lots of interconnecting malls and a very confusing light rail train; an alternate Philippines.

A competition was being held. And my ex, Squal, was entering a song he had written in collaboration with Chiaki Kuriyama.  But he had forgotten his music sheet in Sulu.

And so I took the fastest route to Sulu, through the Whirlpool I once took in another dream to Palawan.

(got distracted and wasn't able to finish writing this. so the dream memory has faded a bit and i can only write of what i remember)

Although, I was supposed to go to Sulu, I went to Palawan, where there were boats that ferried people to Sulu. I took a boat just to get that music sheet, and in the trip, a couple of guys from the island tried to pick me up. I liked the attention. 

I spent a night in Sulu, and got back to the competition in the city just in time, with only a minute to spare. 

I found Squal in the waiting room, sitting beside Uno. I delivered the music sheet and then sat on Squal's lap while looking at Uno and watching how he'd react.

I saw discomfort in his eyes. But, one could also interpret it as disgust.

(From here on, I can't remember anything else except going back to the beach and the amusement park I once went to)

*analysis to follow*

Monday, May 07, 2012

Powerhouse Nap

Obviously, to most Arashi fans, it's about Nino again.

I wasn't feeling well when I got home from work today. So, without taking off my make-up and without even dressing down to house clothes, I snuggled under my comforter and took a 20minute power nap. Sadly, my brain ignored the 20minute alarm and seven hours later, I've completed a ful REM cycle.

I remember having so many dream sequences. But, as a lot of people know, only that which concerns Nino remained in my awakened head.

In my dream, I was supposed to look like Nino, parading as his decoy and slightly flirting with Becky (yes, Aiba's Becky, Tarento Becky, Becky we all love and adore). Becky thinking she was spending her time with Nino, all these time, fell in love with me and was expecting more.

Until, Nino came in and revealed that I was really his lover and wife. Becky looked at me with tearful eyes. I tried to explain to Becky that even though I'm a girl, and married to Nino, I seriously like her and would have her as my wife as well (I know, it's become surreal from here on). If it's really Nino she wants, and not a girl like me, then I'm fine sharing Nino, too. I told her, I never meant to hurt her.

Becky ran away sobbing. I was about to chase after her when Nino pushed me back down to where I was sitting. He told me to let her go, that if Becky really wants one of us, she'll have to deal to accepting both of us.

Then Nino gave me the most torrid kiss, yet. It was so torrid and hot that I came even before Nino took off his pants. I'm keeping what happened afterwards to myself. Though, I've detailed other Nino dream exploits far more elaborately before, I just can't with this one.


On to the meaning...

Being a decoy myself means I'm trying to be someone I am not. I'm wondering which part of myself right now am I not being myself?

As for that orgasm, maybe I just need one. but I hope, that I'm gonna have a blast finishing a project soon.