Thursday, July 07, 2011

Ohno and Art Gallery

This was supposed to be written yesterday. But, since, I forgot to write it most of the memory of the dream has degraded.


I don't know how I got there, but as I passed by a building between Orchard Rd., and Sommerset, I saw Lauren's (Dood's cousin) name on a big tarp hanging on top of the floor announcing her art exhibit.

Intrigued, I went in and looked for the room where the art exhibit is being held.

I went through different doors and different exhibits, so much like the time I went to Singaporean Art Museum. A girl I was with went in ahead, pulling my hand, dragging me to a corner of one of the museum's room. We passed by Ohno Satoshi, who was sitting at the curator's table. He was the assistant and at that time guarding exhibit.

At the very back, the girl I was with let go of my hands and walked on to look at the instillation art she was excited about. I looked to my left and I saw rolls and rolls of fabrics. It was sparkling in my eyes, but I knew it was only sparkling in my mind.

Ohno, ran after us. When he caught up, he said in between catching breath, "Forget he fabric!" as if I had said my thoughts out loud.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me over in front a wall mounted instillation art. I couldn't understand the art itself. But, the mixed media of paint, water color and wood made it -- for the lack of a bettter word -- interesting. There were three of them. But all of them, the splatter of water was being covered by the wooden material incorporated in the art pieces.

Ohno was droning off beside me, explaining the art itself and the artist. However, I wasn't paying attention. I was hypnotized by the art piece. I had become a doll, being dragged around by Ohno from one art piece to another.

"To see a museum in your dream, indicates that your non-traditional path to success will make you stand out from the rest." -- so says Dream Mood site. How I wish.

However, I went in the museum. Going in the museum is still a re-evaluation of my life. And the evaluation? In Ohno's words - "Forget the fabrics!" But, they said, Fabric is a symbol of creativity in dreams. Does that mean, I have to forget being creative?

What about the Art Gallery? Is there something in my past making an impact in my present? Or should I preserve the moments I have now before I leave?

So the answer is what Ohno has been trying to show me. The painting -- is my intuition and epiphany. But, my colors, my creativity, it's boarded up. That's what Ohno was trying to tell me.

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