Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Interviewing Arashi

I was accompanying an older woman, and she brought me to a studio of sorts. There, we waited at a circular table for the people she's meeting.

Then Aiba Masaki came out, followed by Sakurai Sho. When Aiba the woman, he crossed his arms and stopped right before her, she was standing up by now. They talked in Japanese, and I could barely get what they were saying to each other. It was heated up that I'm sure of, and Aiba was getting angry as the woman continued pleading. From what I summise, the woman had interviewed Aiba before and offended him by what she wrote in the end.

A staff interrupted, and with his paper, confirmed instructions with the two idols. The two guys used this opportunity to ignore the pleading woman.

Seeing as it is my only chance, I poked Sho on his muscular eyes as widarms, twice, to get his attention. He turned to me with wide questoning eyes. I thought that the only way for him to grant me this interview is to talk to him in my most perfect American english, accent and all.  

I told him without falter, "Hi! I'm here to interview you for a Japanese-American newsprint in San Francisco. If it's alright with you?" Of course, I really wasn't, but continued to introduce myself, "Hajimemashita, Dekya [surname] desu. Oh, but, it should be [surname] Dekya, isn't it?" putting some American infliction in the accent.

Taken by surprise, he nodded. I handed him documents of my credentials and he sat down looking at them. I continued building myself up, "I am also correspondent for newssites in North America, South America in Chile, France, Spain ..." he just kept on nodding, "oh, and of course some countries in South East Asia as I am from there." I seem to be enumerating places I want to go to. 

As I wasn't even there to interview him, wasn't even aware that I was gonna see him, my notebook was devoid of questions. He grabbed it from me to see which questions aren't allowed and not. He looked at me full of doubt again, so I said quickly, "My interview style is more conversational than sticking to a set of questions. I come up with questions from the answers you give."

Oddly enough, he was satisfied with the excuse. Aiba was still behind him, ignoring the other woman. I took out my mobile phone which I use to record reports.

As I settled to start the interview, Ohmiya, arms wrapped around each other, came skipping in, followed by, I pressumed, their manager. Ninomiya Kazunari looked at me, Ohno Satoshi continued being oblivious. Nino lead Ohno to our table and stood right beside me, moving Ohno to his right side. Nino's hips touching my arms, and I thought he was doing it deliberately.

They started talking in Japanese, but this time I understood.

NINO: What is this (grabbing my documented credentials)
SHO: Interview for an American tabloid.
ME: Would you mind if I interview you as well?
NINO: Ok, 15 seconds.
ME: That's not even enough for a quickie. (all my seduction tendrills in full force)
NINO: (looks at me, still holding my credentials but with eyes flirting forcefully back) 15minutes.
SHO: (to me) Do you have time tomorrow?
ME: I was hoping I could finish this today so I might beat my deadline.
SHO: I trust that you can do it.
ME: My deadline's on Wednesday, I have little time left.

Sho looked at Nino who was still staring at me, and back at me. With that, we understood each other and I said, "I can do what interview we can have right now and return tomorrow for more."


Sadly, I woke up here and didn't get to find out how it went the following day. 

I don't need to analyse this do I?  And no, I don't know where MatsuJun was. And I didn't notice what happened to Ohno and Aiba once the exchange between Nino, Sho and I started. By the way, Sho and Aiba were wearing the pink AAA 2008 costume, while Nino and Ohno were in sweatpants.

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