Thursday, April 26, 2012

Crossings and Decisions

A friend asked me to interpret her dream for her on Plurk. When she told it to me, it was long and had too much symbols that it was almost impossible for me to respond through Plurk.  With her permission, I have posted it here instead, along with the interpretation. 

Of course, I do not claim accuracy in my interpretation. I'm neither schooled or trained in psychology, or dream interpretation. I just have a fondness of interpreting my own vivid dreams and nightmares that made me a little bit more knowledgeable than the average kid. Eventually, friends learned that I can do this sort of thing and have sought advice from me about dreams that have bothered or sparked an interest in them. Friend A from Arashi fandom sent me this message:

I was going home from...somewhere, I don't know where. I was in the overpass near our house when I saw Jun first.
I asked him "Hey, you're going home already?" and he just gave me a smile. Then he went down one flight of stairs. (In reality that set of
stairs doesn't exist in the overpass.)
And when I was about to go down the flight of stairs that does exist in our overpass, it was...different.
there were two flights of stairs that seemed parallel to each other. One was narrower, only one person can pass through it at a time.
I took that set of stairs, but halfway through there was a fork. One led to a slide and the other was more like a ladder instead of stairs.
I'm not sure if I saw a child or children go up through that ladder, but either way I chose to go back up where I came from and go back down
through the other, wider set of stairs.
I decided to change my route walking home a bit. One block before my house, I saw Matsujun curled up on the street, as if he was sleeping.
when I got closer, I (actually dared) to feel his arm and I felt he was shivering.
I think I tried calling up my dad, but more importantly I hugged Matsujun, hoping he'd wake up and feel better.
after a while, his shivering seemed to subside and he finally opened his eyes.
I helped him up and helped him walk to our house. I had to support his weight a bit because he still couldn't walk properly.
when we got home, i let him sit on our couch. Mom asked him in English "Do you want to eat anything?" and I was all "Mama, he can't speak
English." Jun just smiled.
/end dream
some points to consider din: i was reading a Junba fic before I slept, but none of the scenarios i described was in that fic. :-P
give me the first 5 words you think of when you hear matsujun, no cheating, go!
diva, gwapo, hard-worker, masungit, short-haired


Overpass is a structure meant for crossing roads without the danger of getting run over by moving vehicles.  While it is technically NOT crossing a road, the point of an overpass is to get a person to the other side. What does the other side usually hold for us? It depends on each person, and it greatly depends on what one does on "the other side."

At the end of an overpass, one would need to go down to get back to the road. Going down stairs, can mean a visit to the subconscious or one is experiencing setbacks in life.

A was given an option of two stairs, a narrow and a wide one. She took the narrow one first. I know A is slightly religious, and being religious a narrow path can mean hardships with great rewards. A wider path has been socially accepted as an easier path, that, or a more liberating path.

A chose the narrow path at first, subconsciously, this straight and narrow concept is imprinted in Filipino children's minds from birth to forever. In that narrow path, she came across a fork -- which in every form of rhetoric, is a decision one has to make. One leads to a slide and the other to a ladder (children are irrelevant, since she can't remember). A slide means a sense of lost of control. While, a ladder means a way to a higher status or promotion (again with the concept of straight and narrow = rewards). We can see that to A, losing control is the other option to promotions; it's one or the other. (personally, i've always thought losing control comes WITH promotions, that's why one needs great confidence in leading).

A turned back, she wasn't ready for this. She took the wider path, lesser responsibility, more freedom in life. 

And then it was followed by the whole story about Matsumoto Jun.


Obviously, A's fear of losing control is greater than her desire to achieve greatness. Obviously, she's not scared of the responsibility, as she went through it twice, progressing and regressing. Taking the wider path is a temporary fix.

As for the scene with MatsuJun, it is merely her repressed emotion rampantly showing itself in her subconscious. Hugging, does mean, repressed emotion in itself.

Someone, give this girl a boyfriend!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

For the first time in the U.S.A., I was trapped in multi-layered dream.

I was a private detective in a small company. We do odd jobs, but, we also do negotiation jobs. I felt, I was more like a Closer, than a Law and Order kind.

I know there were a lot more cases from my dream, it was like watching a TV drama. However, only the last part stuck because of what happened in the end.

There was this desperate black girl. She was a nurse, based on the pink scrubs she was wearing. She had an Afro, and a pink headband wrapped around the Afro. She had pulled a mob boss of mulatto descent in a room of sorts, and I went with her. I was convincing her not to do anything, and I was telling her that retaliation would be severe.

The nurse said, she want her old "something" back. I try to imagine that this gentle young mob boss was even gentler before (the mob boss sounded like Earl Jones Jr.). She took out a syringe and pumped it up with some sort of fine brown powder from a bag -- like brown sugar only as fine as confectionery. Then she jabbed it in the mob boss's veins.

The mob boss's henchmen finally got into the room. The mob boss changed instantly and became the evil boss that he's supposed to be. He held the woman by her neck, and as the nurse's legs dangled and the henchmen stared distracted by what's happening, I grabbed a bucket of water lying around and splashed it all over the henchmen. I ran towards the door, and as I left, I heard the mob boss say to let me go and that they'll deal with me later.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and found one of my colleagues (the love interest in my story) waiting for my with his bike (really, it's a bicycle, not the cool motorbike that would be better as a getaway vehicle). We drove off and planned the next steps in this failed mission. I did the pedaling, he did the navigating. My hair being blown by the wind.


(told you it was like a movie)

I woke up in my bed, I stood up and caught sight of another figure sleeping with her high heeled red shoes on, on the other bed.

I walked up to it, and found a dead woman and so I ran screaming "help." But what I heard come out of my mouth was a muffled sound of "help." I couldn't pronounce it right. That's when I knew I was sleeping and that I was trapped in a nightmare again.

I kept on screaming the word and I keep on waking up. At one point, I even went back a layer falling asleep in my dream. I continued screaming waking up from one layer of dream to another, hoping that the next time I wake up would be for real. The last layer, I screamed help while walking down the stairs of an old building. Afterwhich, I woke up in my real bed. Or at least, in this plain, or this nightmare where I am in the U.S. struggling to get by alone.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lezies in Faeland

It was a place and time where lesbians weren't accepted. It was a place and time where I was a gorgeous androgynous lesbian artist with a magical strap-on.

I had fallen in love with a woman, who looked like Annabella Sciorra, in San Jose, when once I visited my friend and partner-in-crime there. However, I would not be tied down so easily. With my magical strap-on, I wanted to taste the wonderful delights of different women in different places. And being a gorgeous writer wasn't helping much, women were throwing themselves at me.

I lived beside a restaurant, or I was living in the restaurant's compound. I was friends with the man who runs it and he knew I was a woman disguised as a beautiful man. His family knew, and they accepted, thus. I write a play and produce it in the restaurant's compound -- a play inspired by The Little Mermaid.

In the heat of the moment, I had made love with a white woman and it felt so good, she was so eager to please me. For the first time since I received my magical strap on, I had tried to position a woman on top of me. She complained it was a little soft, but she was happy nonetheless.

In the middle of things, a knock was heard from my door. I hear Annabella's voice looking for me. I hear the restaurant man strike up a conversation with her while blocking the view from the open window. He looked at me, his baby in his hands, and asked me should i make her wait in a more comfortable situation. I thanked him and pushed the woman off of me. I shushed her when she started to complain. I told her to take a shower and leave quietly as I distract "my girlfriend". I dressed up, and  opened that door. It seems, my friend and partner-in-crime had also arrived and was already conversing with Annabella. I gave my greetings and my thanks, and I lead Annabella to a table with a canopy.

As we were making our way across the restaurant's space, I found another of my "girlfriends" patiently waiting for me in one of the tables, reading her book. She tried to stand up, but I said "You, I will talk to you later" and she sat back down. While driven by curiosity, my friend followed me and Annabella.

I wanted to tell Annabella the truth about my sexuality. If she accepts me, then she was meant for me. If not, at least emotional investments haven't been to great for me to bleed my heart out. We did try to tell them. Even with my friend and partner-in-crime in a dress instead of our usual suit and tie, they didn't believe us. By now, my other girlfriend had joined us in the conversation. She even played with the imaginary balls that seemed to bunch up at my crotch. I covered that part with my hand, embarrassed that my girlfriend have no decency even in public.

In the end, they both said they'd think about it. I expect the other one not to come back. But, I had hoped that Annabella would.

As I crossed back to my apartment, I looked at the rehearsing Little Mermaid on the stage. I looked at her and she was gorgeous in green paint and her stage fins were impressive. I was the director, but I was impressed with my art department.

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