Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sakurai Otousan's Advice

I found Sakurai Otousan in front of the TV, having dinner, as our guest.  There were a lot of plates scattered around.

Excited, I tried to entertain Sakurai Otousan. I told him all about his own son, how he is in Arashi. And Sakurai Otousan quietly and patiently listened to me.

He stood up and started clearing up the messy plates. He said he'll wash the dishes (my most hated chore, btw). I said, "No, I'll wash the dishes."  However, he insisted.

While he was washing the dishes, he told me: that he's happy that I've come to appreciate his son and his friends, and that I support them with all loyalty; that I should have some time for myself and my own goals, to remain equal rather than stay beneath them forever.

Sakurai Otousan finished washing the dishes quietly, in his crumpled suit, in my unfamiliar house supposedly in Japan.

I have no idea what it all means. I do get the message. I just don't get where it came from. Is it something in my head all along? Whose message is this from, really?

Dishes/plates mean ideas. Dirty dishes mean my ideas are all over the place. Someone cleaning it up for me, means that I'm screwed. I've lost touch. I have too much ambition, but no courage to go through with it. Enough with the envy, get on with the work. 

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