Sunday, April 24, 2011

[REVISIT] First Appearance of All 5 Arashi

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:34 pm

i don't remember if i have posted my dreams here before ... but i do dream about them quite frequently ... most especially, Nino.

However, I'll just put in the latest one, a few nights ago. 6th dream of what started last April -- before April I had 0 Arashi related dreams.

All five of them and I were on a trip to see a family -- one of theirs. When we reached the house, they made me push the doorbell. When I looked back they were at a distance. Aiba-chan went to buy a bottle of local beer in the convenience store 2 house away from where I was standing. So did Sho. MatsuJun, Nino and Oh-chan bought non-alcoholic drinks. I went after them, leaving the lady who answered the door behind. There was a few minutes chat. Then Sho-kun pulled my hand and decided that it's time I meet this family -- but none of them would tell me whose was it. Nino pulled my other hand as MatsuJun pushed me by my shoulder. Then Nino put his arms around my shoulders, so I put mine around his waist while my other hand was still holding Sho's. I looked behind me and found MatsuJun closely behind me, his arms around Oh-chan and vice versa. Aiba was walking behind them with his bottle of beer.

I never really understood the dream. Then again, what's there to understand?

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