Monday, November 28, 2005


For the first time in days, I wasn't dreaming about death. It was simply about money.

Raipo brought me to this gambling place, so much like a stadium for Cock Fight. We were there for a supposed sideline. We take bets, and in every bet, we get a percent. The lewd trick is to tell they lost and so the money is entirely yours. Not just a percent of the wins.

Being new to the industry, I coudln't keep up with the collection. A man in a blue uniform who regularly takes the bet, took the money from me and organized it before remitting to the office. There goes all my hard earned cheat money.

Someone else then took it. This guy is pretty cute. He's tall, dark and pretty handsome. I wouldn't normaly like him. However, in that particular dream, i was so attracted to him.

Apparently, the bets I took won a little more than 20k. He offered half to me and telling he's taking the other half, as he needs it and I had cheated anyhow, so I didn't really deserve it. I told my mom, I'll go give Raipo at least 20-30% of the winnings. My mom, hesitated but couldn't refuse, since it was my money.

The guy was in a hurry. He said he had to run to his 2nd job, in K-Mart or somewhere. All the more endeared me to him. He's hardworking and he's very driven.

I have not met this man before. He's so different from those I've been with. So simple and so unique.

Who are you?