Thursday, October 15, 2015

Like We Were In College Together


College dorm ... A JOHNNYS ONLY UPLB style college dorm (with wooden floors and really narrow hallways).

I was in a middle of an argument with Sho-kun & Matsuoka-senpai (yes Matsu-nii!) about when does an idol group's fanbase really start to decline. Other members were there listening or getting bored. 

As I was finishing my statement, a junior came in bringing a new Battleship PC game. Excited, everyone left me, Matsu-nii, Oh-chan and Sho to our little debate. Yup, they left the old people behind. After Matsu-nii finished his response to my statement, which ended the debate, Sho got up to head for the their room. He was shirtless, and I noticed he looked like his 18 year-old-self. Curious about the PC game, I decided to head to the room too. I placed my hands on his shoulders (surprisingly not as sloping as the older Sho) and let him lead the way. Oh-chan followed closely.

We watched the three younger members play the game with their PCs and laptops, each one playing against a junior. Oh-chan lit a cigarette behind us, disinterested by the game. 

Then Matsu-nii yelled, "Aids' favorite is here!" It meant a professor was at the door. 

Arashi's room was too crowded already, but Sho-kun insisted to hide in there. Oh-chan then pulled me into the room next door. He sat behind the door so no one could get in. It was just the two of us in there. He offered me a smoke even though he knew I already quit. I thought I could do one stick, that it should be fine. So he handed me his smoke case, it was an old Gatsby (pink) Spiky Edge Moving Rubber. Inside were half-burnt weed instead of ordinary cigarettes. 

I didn't know how to react to it. Probably why I woke up. 

Sunday, February 08, 2015


I was part of a troupe of actors, con-artists, devoted suicidal cult following. We had finally finished the conversion mission. Our last act was to sacrifice ourselves. In the group of 10, only one will survive to do the sacrifice. It wasn't me.

We dressed up in our best garbs -- white lace gowns and tuxedos. And we waited on the second floor of the nearby church in the middle of the slums. Four of us at the right balcony, and rest at the other side.  We watched the sun set through the stencil(?) Window of the mother holding her hands out to her devotee. And when darkness rose, we lit the candles around us and laid down on the floor. Our hands clasped together in prayer over our bellies.

As our leader went through the members, my decision wavered. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live. I counted the moans of the dying. On the seventh, I opened my eyes. On the eight, I watched a woman stabbed and die. On the night, I heard my self beg. Please don't kill me. Please, I changed my mind. I want to WRITE. I have yet to finish my piece. There's so much more I have to write. I have to write about this! 

The leader and I struggled with the knife as my pleads fell on deaf ears. We rolled on the floor and I found myself on top of him, overpowering him, stabbing him,.

I ran down and away from them dead fanatics. I looked for a garb to hide the splash of scarlet on my white lace gown. I found a priest's cloak, a San Franciscan robe. I wore it and ran towards the exit under the mother holding her hands out to me. I knocked down the candles and it ignited the whole place as I ran away. Far at the edges of the slum, I watched the church burn down. I watched the people living in the slums gravitate towards the spectacle. While all backs were turned on me, I turned my back on them and left.

I found myself at a bank bed of a creak. It used to be a flood that etched a permanent tide. Industrious people had made it a living to offer a means to cross to the other side. One was a barge; it was easy and clean, but the wait was long. Another is a series of planks meant to serve as a bridge; they were long and they were winding, and they were muddy, but there was no waiting to get through. It takes about the same time if you take either.

I didn't have enough for the boat, and I had plenty for the plank bridge. I took out the only money I had from my pocket -- a $5 coin and it shone like gold. There were four faces on the head. I didn't care to see the tails. But I felt the texture of it and I felt it was a waste to just use it to cross a simple creak. I looked on the muddy banks and I found a series of stones to get me to the other side, faster and free. Yes they were slippery and unstable, but the other two means had their own risk. The barge could sink if it went over the maximum capacity. The planks could break from wear.

So I took my chance and jumped from one stone to another as a barge crossed adjacent to me and people on the planks balanced themselves from falling. I reached the other side safely. A man with light brown hair and long face complemented me for making my own path, and I saw from his eyes the twinkle of attraction.

As I was changing my bed's linens, the man with light brown hair and long face pleaded to me to go with him to party. I told him I'll go when I finish changing the shams. He took a sham and started finish withd vigorous speed.

After a night of partying, we took my patron's limo and dropped everybody home until it was just the man and me left. The limo driver asked us where we off to and the man said to bring us back to his place. The driver asked clarifying if he should wait for me or just drop me off and come back. Considering we had to get the limo and the driver back to the mansion before my patron was back, I threw the decision to the man: either we go back to my patron's, his parent's mansion and he could leave as soon as he was fit to drive; or I go to his place and I stay overnight, and the driver could pick me up in the morning.

He was held aback. I could feel him sobering up because of the choices I had given him.

I woke up before I could get an answer.

Interp pending

Friday, January 16, 2015

Anime team vs Evil Totem Poles

The feel of the characters were very Soul Eater. The team's objectives were very common anime objective. While I don't recall having seen the art before, it was kind of like a cross breed between manga and Vertigo.

The team is made up of a few students from this highly futuristic looking art school. Not everybody in the team fights in the same mission. Probably some of them were reserves. Like a trasher dressed up as a cowboy weilding a baseball bat. And a lady in capris driving the team's car, and it seems like her weapons a beads in a string (like Sailor Venus). They were only in one scene each, I didn't even hear the others call their names. (Since I didn't hear her name, I'm naming capris girl Tessa from here on, and she would be a modern art-metal sculpture student)

My point of view switches from two different female characters: Mika and Mei.

Mei was a transfer student in the classical arts department -- oil and charcoal. The whole story started when she got caught in the middle of the team's mission. She was immediately drawn to Mika as she faught.

Mika (probably from Soul Eater's Maka) was an architecture student who wielded twin guns (like Death Jr. In Soul Eater). She was the leader of the group. Excessively stubborn and over protective of her team. Everybody looks up to her as their team leader.

Joe (felt very like Soul himself) was Mika's love interest, sort of boyfriend but not really. They're both tsundere. But Joe is hella loyal to Mika. Joe does wood sculpture and weilds an ax.

Boy (was never named in the dream) dressed up like Grey of FT, white shirt and black pants. He weilded a crossbow, but his major was never mentioned. He seems to be blood thirsty and chaotic in the missions, but he's totally cool and collected at rest. He's always the first one on the scene and will always be staying to fight the enemy with Mika until it's gone. He only answers to Mika.

Yunlong (probably because of Nodame) was a classical music piano genius. He alone can spot where the enemy. He doesn't fight, but he has the vast knowledge of the enemy, and continually does the research the others couldn't do. He is tiny, frail, and with glasses. Whenever he called any of them, the ringtone would be of him playing one of his composition.

The enemy seems to be a weird interdimensional demon.  They appear to be totem poles that sprouted overnight in the plain dimension. The team has a gadget to let them enter a 2nd dimension where they fight this totem pole without hurting the ordinary people surrounding it. Each totem pole have different abilities. Although in the plain dimension the poles are static, in the other dimension they are violent.

Mei's first mission is at the port, kinda like Coney Island. It was crowded with tourist. They were all riding skate boards. Mika gave the order to fall back. Cowboy and Joe did. Boy held it off until Mika came back. Mika skated towards it, as she saw Joe and the cowboy retreating in their own skate boards. But as Mika faught, Mei and the others came back to fight it with her. This totem pole was yellowish -- perfectly blending with the port.

Another mission, the totem pole was red and black and it was harder than the others. It was also able to hypnotize ordinary people and it tried to congregate to their adviser (which I never saw, he was just giving orders to the team). Mei, Mika and Joe finished it off on their own. They were alerted at how this one could contorl people. The situation was getting severe everytime. They were picked up by Tessa. And as Mei and Joe played tug-o-war for Mika (which at some point Mika said to Tessa, "you try being sandwhiched by an Asian cat and dumb jock"). Yunlong called.

This was where I woke up. One of the best dreams I've had yet.  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Dream Convention

Tonight's dream was obviously foretelling how much I have missed my New Worlds Family. Every regular attendees where there. Also, how my unconscious head is filled up with stories that needs to be written down.

I entered a convention hall filled with people dressed up in different costumes and teen-agers in ordinary shirts and jeans and backpacks. I met a busy Pao by the entrance reading a memo on a console table. He immediately gave me a hearty side hug and told me to go see everyone. I went straight to a corner where a white faux leather couch lay surrounded by storm troopers and trekkies. I saw Jon sitting on the couch, he was dressed up in an unfamiliar armor, and immediately showered me with gifts.

First it was 8 VHS tape-recording of an entire TV series I supposedly like (but have not heard in my waking life) -- THE 8TH STRATOS *something something* -- a live action space adventure with a female captain and a motley crew of rejects. Sounds like Star Trek: Voyager meets anime: Captain Tylor meets Jdrama: Boss. Then Jon greeted me a Happy Birthday and gave me a brotherly kiss on the cheeks.

Then he offered me a whole duffel bag filled with THE FIVE KINGDOMS TCG -- old and battered, but complete set of every card printed of this defunct game. Even though I haven't played TCG since Magic: The Gathering in high school, I excitedly accepted. Apparently, I'm a fan of this socio-political driven story about five kingdoms trying to invade each other (but I've not heard of it in my waking life). Camelot meats Romance of the Three Kingdom meets Dune meets every YA dystopian future.

As I retreated back to my car to set aside my loot from Jon, I watch teenagers go up from one booth to another. The people in the booth were all in costume matching the display in their booth. I pointed my finger at one person in a medieval costume and a booth adorned with swords and shields, because apparently I knew him (I don't think I've met him in my waking life), and he pointed his finger back at me. Then he started to declaim a start of a story in a loud theatrical booming voice. I apologized and told him that I have to leave and will come back when able. Every booth I passed by, the attendant in costume will point at me; when I point back, the booth person would start his/her declamation. They were different groups and genre too. There was a witch, there was a guy in a very badly made tin robot costume, there were different medieval countries, there were pirates and ninjas and assasins in suits. When I came back from my car, I realized, pointing my finger back to these people meant I'm participating in a short campaign they have prepared for the convention. It's a GAMING CONVENTION! The people in the booth are table-top RPG masters. I facepalmed and avoided the Table Top RPG area.

I eventually found Tobs in the electronic game area. He told me to try this new game that was reminiscent of the old Silent Hill games, but instead of creepy faceless nurses, they had creepy gothic lolita with baby carriages attacking the POV-character. There were girls with parasols, too, and girls in ordinary shirts and capri pants attacking the character with shopping carts in the supermarket setting. When I asked Tobs why the chacter was being attacked by these women, he said, I have to finish the game to find out (however, my conscious brain has started to work a story around it). It was Silent Hill meets Alice: Return to Madness.

I told Tobie that I wanna cosplay the girl with the baby carriage. He laughed and started planning with me how to get it done.

I woke up in here.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Prize at the Top

I won a school competition. I went to the restroom to brush my teeth. That was the first sighting of the hang-up.  I quickly spit out the bubbles from my mouth, and ran back to the classroom. The session was dismissed, and my mom and I headed back home. My mom decided to use the stairs all the way down from third floor. As we socialized with classmates and other parents on the first floor of the building, another classmate called my name and told me I had won a place in the competition and I should go up to the fourth floor to get the prize from the principal. My mom told me to go up and she will follow. But, she never did.

To make things quicker, I decided to use the escalators. The classmate who called me dared me to a race. But, I noticed all escalators were going up, none of them were set to go down. But I still ran, 2 steps at a time, stopping only to catch my breath. We got there at the same time, despite my classmate's huge head start.

When I got up, there was a waiting line to the Principal's office. I sat down with my classmate and waited. But, I got impatient so I got up and looked around. I heard someone call the hang-up's name. And then, he walked out from the Principal's office. We started bickering passively--directing everything to our own companions, answering each other's accusations. I got impatient again and just pushed him on the floor. The sexual tension built up, and I heard someone say "that's how you do it." He was waiting for a kiss.

The prizes were given out, but I missed mine. The principal left, and it was just him and me. In my head, I thought, "Ah, He's my prize."


  1. Competitions -- a need to grow and expand. Also, a need to be more assertive. 
  2. Winning -- I have a goal. I have the means to achieve the goal. I only have to enter this competition against myself. Winning is also symbolizes SEXUAL CONQUEST. Conquistadora is back! (#LOL)
  3. Brushing Teeth -- means, I'm a little shaky in the confidence area. 
  4. Classroom -- Personal growth and learning something about myself. I am currently on a soul/self-searching phase
  5. Going down the Stairs -- setbacks. The decisions my mom made is holding me back. 
  6. Third / Fourth Floor -- The fourth floor was the top floor of the building. Third floor means I didn't do well enough to reach the top prize. Everything I did was halfhearted, but, if I give it my all, imagine what I can achieve.
  7. Going up Escalators -- That all the escalators were going up means I'm being pushed to go up. This is the only way. I need not question it. Just take advantage of it.
  8. Race -- Still about obstacles and achieving it.
  9. Waiting in line -- means, that I need to learn patience. Exactly what I didn't have in the dream.
  10. Principal's office -- Low self-esteem. My id is trying to tell me something (#LOL)
  11. Prize -- Signifies progress in my personal goals. But, because, I didn't actually get it yet or I didn't kiss him in my dream, I don't my prize yet. Something I have to work for.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Drunken Frenzy

It was Camellia School. The B clan were there, as young as they were when I had left them. The school also doubled as an apartment complex; like a dorm for all the students; like White House in ElBi. And just like it, at night, the whole complex partied.

I went around from room to room, and met some people. One of whom is JGL. He was studying amidst the exchange of alcohol.

I got a little drunk, and logic evaded me. I thought it would be faster to get to my apartment going around the complex. As drunk as I was, I mistook the fire exit staircase as the proper one.

Before I knew it, it was breaking dawn. One of the younger B girls was opening the school gates. She caught me climbing up and down the fire escape, obviously lost and confused. The drunkenness faded away when she started scolding me. She had someone escort me back to my quarters; and someone else to keep me in the apartment until she summons me. Slightly tipsy, I asked her to make JGL guard me. She shook her head as she went away.


Interp pending.

Monday, January 28, 2013

My Own Silent Hill

It's been a while since I had the reason to write down my dream. I haven't even been able to interpret these dreams. However, this one I just had moments ago was so disturbing, I was compelled to put it in writing.

It started out an Arashi fangirl's dream. I was with Arashi's management team, but I didn't really know what my job was. It was in the middle of a music video or a commercial shoot set, and people were preparing the set. They were all treating me like a child, telling me not to do anything, instead of telling me what to do. But, true to their fear, I did break a whole set and we had to put it back again. In the dream, I described the set as a necklace for the house, it had no use, but, to accesorize.

Ohno and Nino came and started teasing me, like we've always known each other. But, my memory intact, I knew I wasn't acquainted to them, not in real life anyways. And, so, I started blushing at the attention they were giving me. Fangirls participating in the shoot were fighting in over a flying balloon, one girl claiming it her own. Nino asked me to break up the fight and give the balloon to the the girl claiming it, for he knew it was hers. Later, after the whole crew have eaten, I started doing the dishes. The higher ups thanked me for doing that, however, Nino distracted me and when I came back, the dishes were done.

After the shoot was done, I had to run to a meeting. The meeting was in a rundown complex, where some people lived and some people did business. In a corner stall, a person was screening Lea Salongga's sing-along karaoke webcasts. She looked so young in the TV, but I couldn't figure out what the stall was really selling or if it was selling anything at all.

In the middle of the meeting, I felt that my period came and I wasn't prepared. I ignored it thinking maybe it was just the first gush. But as time wore on, I felt how badly wet and sticky it felt, and I was worried it'll leak and stain my velvet skirt. I ran to the nearest bathroom, past the stall still screening Lea Salongga's sing-along. I went in and notice a lot of people were in it, both male and female. They seemed to be investigating an incident, which I didn't really care to know. I didn't care they were there at all. They can watch me put on napkin or whatever, just as long as I could do what I went there for. But, almost all the stalls are occupied. And everytime I asked, the people kept on telling me to ask permission from the chief -- a lady in the middle of the public bathroom.

I decided to ignore it and just went in a stall on the right of the entrance. As I was putting down my pants, a man in a SWAT uniform came in and said that the chief told him to use this stall instead. So, I put my pants back on, and left. I started towards the next stall, but then, the reddish/brownish muck from the bathtub of that stall suddenly bubbled and a female figure slowly came out of the muck as if being lifted up. Then a pair of muscular arms came out as it lifted the female body and let it fall down without care. A mascular male body came out of the muck and stayed there staring at me.

I ignored it as I approached the chief. I asked her to give me a stall just so I could put on a fresh pair of underwear and deal with my period. She pointed me to the same stall where the bathtub was with all the muck. I said, "ayoko nga, may gumagalaw dun eh (I don't want to go there, something's moving in there)." The chief was surprised to hear that. She turned to look at the bathtub, her subordinates followed. Her eyes started to widen in fear. Then in a flash, the man who displaced me from the first stall I went to, was thrown between us, dead with a open skull. Not, yet done with the violence, he was pulled back by the feet as quickly as he was thrown out.

I saw the male figure rise out of his muck in the bathtub. Another muscular male figure came out of the shower stall beside the toilet stall I came from, also covered in reddish/brownish muck. I panicked and ran. Right behind me, the chief was also running to save her life. I have no idea how she lost all her clothes. She was completely naked by the time we reached the double doors of the building.

But the doors were all closed and locked. And losing all senses, we couldn't open it. We started trying to break the glass. It was made of flexiglass. But the strength of a terrified and panicked woman could be stronger than any sharp bullet. The chief, with her naked body was able to break the glass and got us out of there.

We separated as soon as we got out of the building. And as I walked away, I said to myself, and out loud, too, "That bathroom again, same bathroom, always that bathroom. I've got to wake up. Wake up, Dekya, wake up!" I slapped myself twice. And I woke up disturbed by the dream.