Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Prize at the Top

I won a school competition. I went to the restroom to brush my teeth. That was the first sighting of the hang-up.  I quickly spit out the bubbles from my mouth, and ran back to the classroom. The session was dismissed, and my mom and I headed back home. My mom decided to use the stairs all the way down from third floor. As we socialized with classmates and other parents on the first floor of the building, another classmate called my name and told me I had won a place in the competition and I should go up to the fourth floor to get the prize from the principal. My mom told me to go up and she will follow. But, she never did.

To make things quicker, I decided to use the escalators. The classmate who called me dared me to a race. But, I noticed all escalators were going up, none of them were set to go down. But I still ran, 2 steps at a time, stopping only to catch my breath. We got there at the same time, despite my classmate's huge head start.

When I got up, there was a waiting line to the Principal's office. I sat down with my classmate and waited. But, I got impatient so I got up and looked around. I heard someone call the hang-up's name. And then, he walked out from the Principal's office. We started bickering passively--directing everything to our own companions, answering each other's accusations. I got impatient again and just pushed him on the floor. The sexual tension built up, and I heard someone say "that's how you do it." He was waiting for a kiss.

The prizes were given out, but I missed mine. The principal left, and it was just him and me. In my head, I thought, "Ah, He's my prize."


  1. Competitions -- a need to grow and expand. Also, a need to be more assertive. 
  2. Winning -- I have a goal. I have the means to achieve the goal. I only have to enter this competition against myself. Winning is also symbolizes SEXUAL CONQUEST. Conquistadora is back! (#LOL)
  3. Brushing Teeth -- means, I'm a little shaky in the confidence area. 
  4. Classroom -- Personal growth and learning something about myself. I am currently on a soul/self-searching phase
  5. Going down the Stairs -- setbacks. The decisions my mom made is holding me back. 
  6. Third / Fourth Floor -- The fourth floor was the top floor of the building. Third floor means I didn't do well enough to reach the top prize. Everything I did was halfhearted, but, if I give it my all, imagine what I can achieve.
  7. Going up Escalators -- That all the escalators were going up means I'm being pushed to go up. This is the only way. I need not question it. Just take advantage of it.
  8. Race -- Still about obstacles and achieving it.
  9. Waiting in line -- means, that I need to learn patience. Exactly what I didn't have in the dream.
  10. Principal's office -- Low self-esteem. My id is trying to tell me something (#LOL)
  11. Prize -- Signifies progress in my personal goals. But, because, I didn't actually get it yet or I didn't kiss him in my dream, I don't my prize yet. Something I have to work for.

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