Friday, February 25, 2011

Oscar Dress

Yesterday, I dreamed of Uno trying to be nice to me again. Though that in itself is not uncommon, it has been a while since that happened. For the past year, it's always Arashi doing a lot of things for me & with me -- & to me -- that recurs more frequently.

The last sequence in my dream last night was of me choosing the dress for my Oscar debut. Actually, it's a really beautiful electric-blue sweet-heart-tube empire dress. It's something I can't go wrong with. But it's not the traditional Mestiza dress that my mom and I have agreed to have when the time comes.

I'm a little distraught as I can't see the meaning behind it. Have my mind really believe that Oscar is on my way? Have my fantasies melted with my Id? Or does this mean something.

*I'll draw the dress as much as i can & post it for future ref*

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nth Levels of Inception & Uncle Manny

I stopped blogging about my dreams before because I lost access to a readily available internet when I left my 2nd job in 2006. Fastforward to 2008, when I got internet at home, I've lost all motivations to write. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and watch Arashi all day -- and night.

But writers will always be writers. So when I decided to re-open my blogs, ++*Faeries and Demons*++ were one of them I had to visit.

So what has happened to me in my dream world so far?


Recurring dreams of being back in school, flunking courses and failing to enroll in time. Old news, really. This will continue to recur until I finish my thesis conversion to short movies.

When I moved to my own solo-apartment, i started to experience being trapped in a dream. A loop, if you may say. Inception-like. But, this was in late 2006, in my apartment we fondly called Krown Karaoke. This is why I'm not an Inception fan. I'm a Nolan fan, I'm a JGL fan, I'm even a Leonardo de Caprio fan. But experiencing being trapped in a dream, isn't as cool as Inception makes it look like. It's actually scary.

Those kind of dreams stopped when I moved apartment units. Expenses were getting harsh as years go by, and sharing apartment was the next best thing. So I moved for that purpose.

It's been almost a year since I've moved. I thought, I've ridden myself of this Nth levels of dream within a dream. Yesterday, it came back. And it was the scariest as of yet. I swear I was awake already, my eye wide open. I can clearly see the image of Arashi posted on my wall, the whiteboard next to it, the laundry right beside my bed. But I could not move my arms, my feet or my body. The moment, I do, I realize, I'm still dreaming.

Usually, I move my pinky finger to wake me up. Usually, that alone works. But, this time, it wouldn't work. It took so much energy, but I tried moving my head. I thought I was going to break it. Two snaps, after two snaps, I knew I was truly awake. I stood up, tried to catch my breath as I was hyperventilating.

As always, there was a person there again. He or she was holding me down. What is this thing that keeps doing this to me.

I didn't want to go back to sleep after that. But by 3am, I had to go back to sleep in preparation for the day after. The thing did not come again. But, I did encounter my late Uncle Manny. Letting me out of a house asking me to run away. Eventually, the people from the house got out, too. I don't know who they were. But, with Unlce Manny's prodding, I joined them in their car to escape the town. I don't remember what I was running away from anymore or where I was.

I do remember, my Uncle Manny telling me to go away quickly.