Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Dream Convention

Tonight's dream was obviously foretelling how much I have missed my New Worlds Family. Every regular attendees where there. Also, how my unconscious head is filled up with stories that needs to be written down.

I entered a convention hall filled with people dressed up in different costumes and teen-agers in ordinary shirts and jeans and backpacks. I met a busy Pao by the entrance reading a memo on a console table. He immediately gave me a hearty side hug and told me to go see everyone. I went straight to a corner where a white faux leather couch lay surrounded by storm troopers and trekkies. I saw Jon sitting on the couch, he was dressed up in an unfamiliar armor, and immediately showered me with gifts.

First it was 8 VHS tape-recording of an entire TV series I supposedly like (but have not heard in my waking life) -- THE 8TH STRATOS *something something* -- a live action space adventure with a female captain and a motley crew of rejects. Sounds like Star Trek: Voyager meets anime: Captain Tylor meets Jdrama: Boss. Then Jon greeted me a Happy Birthday and gave me a brotherly kiss on the cheeks.

Then he offered me a whole duffel bag filled with THE FIVE KINGDOMS TCG -- old and battered, but complete set of every card printed of this defunct game. Even though I haven't played TCG since Magic: The Gathering in high school, I excitedly accepted. Apparently, I'm a fan of this socio-political driven story about five kingdoms trying to invade each other (but I've not heard of it in my waking life). Camelot meats Romance of the Three Kingdom meets Dune meets every YA dystopian future.

As I retreated back to my car to set aside my loot from Jon, I watch teenagers go up from one booth to another. The people in the booth were all in costume matching the display in their booth. I pointed my finger at one person in a medieval costume and a booth adorned with swords and shields, because apparently I knew him (I don't think I've met him in my waking life), and he pointed his finger back at me. Then he started to declaim a start of a story in a loud theatrical booming voice. I apologized and told him that I have to leave and will come back when able. Every booth I passed by, the attendant in costume will point at me; when I point back, the booth person would start his/her declamation. They were different groups and genre too. There was a witch, there was a guy in a very badly made tin robot costume, there were different medieval countries, there were pirates and ninjas and assasins in suits. When I came back from my car, I realized, pointing my finger back to these people meant I'm participating in a short campaign they have prepared for the convention. It's a GAMING CONVENTION! The people in the booth are table-top RPG masters. I facepalmed and avoided the Table Top RPG area.

I eventually found Tobs in the electronic game area. He told me to try this new game that was reminiscent of the old Silent Hill games, but instead of creepy faceless nurses, they had creepy gothic lolita with baby carriages attacking the POV-character. There were girls with parasols, too, and girls in ordinary shirts and capri pants attacking the character with shopping carts in the supermarket setting. When I asked Tobs why the chacter was being attacked by these women, he said, I have to finish the game to find out (however, my conscious brain has started to work a story around it). It was Silent Hill meets Alice: Return to Madness.

I told Tobie that I wanna cosplay the girl with the baby carriage. He laughed and started planning with me how to get it done.

I woke up in here.